Every Sunday morning at 11am we gather together to corporately worship God. The Word of God is sung, prayed, read and preached.
During our gathering, we seek to re-present the grand truths of the gospel to ourselves and each other—the glory and holiness of our Creator-Lord, our brokenness as a result of our sin and our resultant need for a Savior, the saving mercy and grace found in Jesus Christ, and his compelling love that moves us to love each other, our community, and our world.
We love kids at GBC and we hope that our children feel as excited to be part of our community as do the adults. Nursery is available during the morning service. Children are invited to go to Kid's Church, halfway through the service @ 11:30am.
Grace has a "come as you are" atmosphere. You will see some dressed up; some dressed casual. We have no expectations for attire.
No. If you are a guest or a visitor there is no obligation to give. If you are a member or regular attender, enjoy the blessing of giving!